Das Rübezahl Festival

Danke für ein tolles Fest

Rübezahl möchte sich herzlich bei allen bedanken, die seine Wald- und Wiesensause in diesem Jahr so friedlich, gemeinschaftlich und euphorisch mitgestaltet haben. Es war ein Traum, der drei Tage lang gelebt werden konnte. Nach drei Tagen Aufräumen können nun Hasen, Rehe, Fledermäuse und Erdkröten wieder ungestört in Rübezahls Reich umherstreifen und es kehrt auch beim alten Berggeist Ruhe ein. Er meldet sich wieder bei uns, wenn er Neuigkeiten hat.
Wer das nicht verpassen will, kann hier in seinen Email-Verteiler krabbeln: (kommt bald)

Wer noch das Bedürfnis hat, eine kleine Spende für das vergangene Fest dazulassen, kann das über seine Schatzkiste bei der GLS Bank tun.
Inhaber: Rübezahl-Kollektiv e.V.
IBAN: DE35 4306 0967 1335 1272 00
Bank: GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG

Rübezahl wünscht uns allen, dass wir die Energie und die Impulse von seiner Wiese mit in die weite Welt nehmen können. Gemeinsam können wir alles schaffen, auch eine gerechtere und nachhaltigere Zukunft.
Spätestens im nächsten Jahr können wir dann wieder auf seinem Feste auftanken.
Fühlt euch gedrückt und die Rübe hoch.

Wer für nächstes Jahr keine Infos verpassen will, trage sich gerne in Rübezahls Email-Verteiler ein.

Festival Infos (Englisch)

When? 16 - 18.08.2024
Where? At the edge of the forest near Plankstatt 2, 91448 Emskirchen
For whom? For everyone who takes care of each other and their environment and leaves no room for discrimination. No sexism. No racism. No standstill.

Stay overnight
Rübezahl provides a meadow for tents and a parking lot for campers/car sleepers. Camping within babyphone range of the festival site is possible. Toilets, a washing station and a forest shower are also available.

In principle, all visitors are free to cater for themselves. Rübezahl offers cool drinks and delicious food made from rescued and regional, seasonally grown food.

Visitors can enjoy the most beautiful journey by bike as they cycle through the picturesque valleys of Central Franconia. But Rübezahl can also recommend the train journey to Emskirchen station without reservation. There is a shuttle service to the festival several times a day. If there is no other way, you can also reach his meadow by car, preferably together with people you have contacted via the carpooling service. There is a parking lot for the metal boxes. Regardless of how you arrive, Rübezahl would like to ask you to register at the info booth on the festival grounds upon arrival. There you will find out everything you need to know.

Rübezahl would like to make it possible for everyone to visit his festival, regardless of their personal privileges and financial situation. He therefore does not charge admission, but relies on his expenses being covered by voluntary donations from visitors. Some can give more, some not quite as much, but in the end the expenses of the Rübezahl Festival are distributed fairly across all shoulders. For self-assessment, Rübezahl has put together all the information about money at its donation station.

Helping out
Although Rübezahl is the lord of the mountains and guardian of natural treasures, he is not so well versed in many other areas. That's why his festival has always been a joint effort by all participants. You can help him in advance with the set-up, which starts on the Monday before. Just come along at any time. After the festival, he also needs helpers to help dismantle. Monday and Tuesday are set aside for this. So feel free to stay longer.
Otherwise, Rübezahl is happy about spontaneous interludes, be it offering workshops/skillshares/forest music/etc., or participating in the open stage or the mini-playback show. To keep the festival running, people are also always needed to help out and take on shifts. You can find an overview of all tasks with shift schedules at the info booth.

Contact us
Rübezahl has no Whatsapp, not even Facebook. But his helpers were once able to persuade him to give them an email address during a night out: info@ruebezahl-kollektiv.de Unfortunately, he can no longer remember it, which is why the emails are usually answered by his helpers. But you will still get an answer as soon and as well as possible.